IC/OC Staff

Writers and Artist, cuz that's all we need.

Tom, the founder of the webcomic and main writer.
Brian, AKA Krae. Check out the REAL webcomic he's doing now,
Stephen is my current right hand artist and player.
We may have some more soon if they turn in their art.

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Email the Owner: loyalfanboy@yahoo.com

Copyrights pertaining to the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Appocalypse, and all related titles) are all owned by White Wolf Publishing. Specific characters in the comics are copyright Tom Munkres and the players/Storytellers of the West Side Chronicles and Anarch Chronicles of Eugene Respectively. Ryoga Hibiki is copyight Rumiko Tanaka. Player photographs are copyright themselves.
Rule #11 Copyright the Eugene Gaming Group.
Reproduction of these comics for the purpose of monetary gain is prohibited.

ICOC is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. No they are not a subsidiary of Pentex.